Sign Up and send free SMS messages.

HTTP API Documentation

This HTTP Api is allow you to simply send a message by HTTP request (GET or POST) to our HTTP API endpoint. For example, with the correct query parameters set.

Query Parameters

This section lists the various query parameters that are supported by send message API. The data for some of these fields will not be available in your app / software which is expected, but you should provide as much information as you can.

Note: specific parameters values that are strings (such as 'message', etc.) must be URL encoded.


If the message you are sending is OTP type, you need to specify a brand name or your App name in the message body. If you send OTP messages that do not contain any brand name or App name, the messages will rejected.

Parameter Required Description
key Your Account Auth Key
username Your login username or email, could be either one.
password Your login password.
message The message to be send. The max length of your message is 6 message parts. The message must be URL encoded
recipients The recipients of your message. If you are sending multiple numbers, the number list must be separate by comma.
sender Use this field to specify the sender name for your message. This must be at least 3 characters in length but no longer than 11 alphanumeric characters or 13 numeric characters.
Note: SenderID is subjected to approval.
format If you want to receive the response data as JSON Format, you must set the parameter as json
test If you are sending a test message, set the parameter value as 1 or true

HTTP Url{YOUR_AUTH_KEY}&message=Hello+World&recipients=09xxxxxxxxx

Response Status Code

Code Description
1 Queuing (a normal message submission with no error)
10 User failed to authenticate
11 Invalid parameters
12 Generic error
13 Insufficient credit or validation not succeed